Cat Neuter

"Neuter" is the common term for castration which is the surgical removal of a male's testicles performed under general anesthesia. Neutering your cat has many health and behavioral benefits such as a decreased risk of cancers, the urge to run away to find a mate, and the urge to mark territory. 

Cats must be at least 12 weeks of age and at least 3 pounds.

There will be an additional cost if your cat has cryptorchidism, the absence of one or both testes from the scrotum. In some cases, the testicle may be located in the subcutaneous tissues in the groin region, between the inguinal canal and the scrotum. In cases of abdominal cryptorchidism, the testicle cannot be felt from the outside. More than one incision will likely be made. The doctor may require a male reschedule based on age and size to give the undescended testicle time to mature so it is easier to find. If a testicle hasn’t descended by 3 months of age it probably never will. 

We do not offer neuter services to cats with a history of heart murmur or seizures. We don’t have the proper medications to treat seizures, and anesthesia can cause seizures. Likewise, we don’t have the proper monitoring for heart murmurs during neuters.  

When neutering your cat, we always recommend running blood work prior to the anesthesia. We'll recommend placing an IV with IV fluids. For some cats, the IV with IV fluids is required. We'll ask to repair an umbilical hernia if we find one. If you think your pet will lick, we'll recommend an e-collar. Pain medication will not be sent home. Cats receive a large dose with surgery and usually don’t require any for recovery. Also, anti-Inflammatory medications are difficult for cats’ organs to process. 

Brachycephalic breeds such as Persians and Scottish Folds have a higher risk of complication with surgery including anesthetic death, we recommend TLC Pet Care in Ogden. We can still perform surgery here. However, we may have you sign a high-risk waiver. It is also recommended to have them get full mouth x-rays while under anesthesia, and we do not offer that here.  

Feline Neuter Price: $70.00


 $15.00-$100 additional per testicle

Feline Neuter Aftercare

We want to see your pet back here if you have any concerns with the surgery. There is no charge for the recheck appointment as long as the aftercare instructions are followed. Please call or text the front desk at (801)262-6414 to schedule a recheck with us. Charges may be applied for any additional treatments, surgeries, and medication. We offer rechecks Monday- Saturday from 10am-2pm by appointment. Spay & Neuter cannot be responsible or liable for any costs incurred for the care and/or treatment provided by another hospital. 

Your cat will have undergone anesthesia. Drowsiness and incoordination can be expected up to 24 hours. Because of this, keep your cat away from stairs and/or anything he can fall off of for tonight.  Limit food and water intake that night. Feed a small meal, about a quarter to half the size of his normal meal that evening in small frequent amounts. Please resume normal feeding the next day. Some cats will eat the first night, others may not eat for 24-48 hours. Please call us if there has been no/poor appetite for more than 48 hours. They are still at risk of aspiration. Do not force food or water, and if vomiting occurs the night of surgery take all food and water away. If vomiting occurs for more than 12 hours or there is excessive vomiting (more than 4 times in a 12 hour period), call us for a recheck.

Your pet will not be able to regulate his body temperature for 3 days. We also need to limit his exposure with his incision.  Please keep him indoors for 10-14 days. Also, make sure the temperature inside is not too hot or cold, 70-75 degrees is best. 

A cat neuter incision is an open incision, meaning that stitches are not placed in the incision as it needs drainage to heal. A small amount of bleeding, around 1/2 teaspoon, is normal for this type of incision. If you notice this, do not try to clean the incision as that can impede clotting. You can keep the cat in a small room or large kennel overnight to reduce activity. To best allow incision to heal on its own, there should be no bathing, getting wet or aggressive playing/activity for 10 days. Please do not try to treat it with any liquids, creams or ointments. Do not apply any bandages to the incision. Do not allow your pet to wear any clothing that could rub or touch the incision. Check the incision daily for redness, swelling, discharge and pain. There are no sutures to be removed, unless you have been told otherwise. Do not try to examine the incision by spreading apart or pulling apart the skin.

We always recommend a e-collar if you think your pet can lick the incision.

Limit interaction with other pets. Do not allow rough housing. Do not allow other pets to lick their incision. A male can still reproduce for up to 30 days after a neuter. Any attempt at breeding can be fatal. 

Due to strange odors on your cat, your other cats may show unusual aggression to the cat returning home from the veterinary clinic. This usually stops in a day or two. Rubbing the cat that had surgery with blankets, clothing from home may help with this as it puts the normal home odors back onto the cat.

If you notice a bandage on your cat, it can be removed when you arrive at home. Unless you are told otherwise. 

Signs of a post surgical emergency include but are not limited to white mucous membranes (gums), excessive bleeding from surgical site, severe depression/unconsciousness, uncontrollable vomiting, seizures, difficulty breathing/harsh respiration (breathing). If any of these symptoms are occurring, please take your pet to the nearest emergency hospital immediately. 


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7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


7:00 am-6:00 pm


Alternating Saturdays 9:00 am - 3:00 pm

Alternating Saturdays 7:00 am - 6:00 pm

